Do you want to delete your old conversations with your friends on Facebook? No time to scroll down all the way to history to remove nasty conversations? MessengerDeleter offers you an automated solution for these kind of problems.


The MessengerDeleter leverage the capability of PhantomJS headless browser - meaning its approach is automated, instead that you have to delete your messages manually - an automated bot will do the job for you. The application will run on background so it won't distract you visually.


To get started, the PhantomJS must be installed first on your system. You could follow the instructions found here.

The phantomjs must be found as an executable on your System's PATH. For more information on how to do it, please check the instructions here.

After the successful installation of PhantomJS, click the download button above and select the correct build for your system.


Extract the compressed file, and open the settings.json. You must not alter the json object or else the tool will not run properly.

You must input your Facebook's username and password under the account object.

There is an optional object for the tool. Under the messages object, there is a part where you put your friends' exact names on Facebook to exclude their conversations with you in the process. You should put their names under excluded object. For multiple names, it should be comma-separated.

Example below:

    "account": {
        "username": "your_username",
        "password": "your_password"
    "messages": {
        "excluded": [
            "Your friend#1 name here",
            "Your friend#2 name here"

After filling out the settings.json file, you may now run the messengerdeleter tool.

Note: The success and speed of the process will depends from your internet connection.

For Windows users, you should simply click the messenegerdeleter.exe file.

For Linux users, just simple run the executable file.

Then wait for the process to complete.